Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First photos of Vivienne Nicole

Meet Vivienne Nicole Fatu. She was born today November 16, 2010 at 7:05 pm after a 16 hours of labor. She weighs 3.5 kg and is 50 cm long. On the Apgar scale she scored a beautiful 9.9 score which is the best! 
Her hair is curly, blond and her eyes are grey/green.
She seems to get very quite in her Dad's arms and I just love that. It seems she has quite an appetite and already started her breast milk diet. 
Victoria feels good and is happy mother. Beside Victoria, our two faithful nurses from Shawnee Mission Hospital Lacey and Ashley, the birth crew included the brilliant Dr. Finkelston, grandma Sophia who came all the way from Moscow and dad Christian. 
I got to admit, my chest gets full with pride when the medical staff calls me Dad.
I am overwhelmed with happiness and I am grateful to God every second.
More to come. Stay tuned.

Dragii mei,

Vivienne Nicole a fost nascuta astazi la ora 19:05 dupa un travaliu de 16 ore. Cantareste 3.5 kg si are 50 cm. Scorul Apgar este 9.9
Vivienne are parul cret, blond si ochii gri/verzui. Victoria se simte bine si este o mama fericita. Sunt complesit de emotie si mandrie. Un fenomen foarte interesant de petrece atunci cand o iau in brate, se linisteste instantaneu!